One of the branches of the global Carrefour market chain, Carrefour Jordan online Provides a wide choice that Parallel to options of Carrefour markets for direct sales, from big and small and personal electronic devices, to food and household items.
Member Since : 04/04/2021
Jordan : Amman Long Address : Jordan, Amman, 9th Shaaban Street
Disclaimer: has gathered the above information either from the store contact directly or from the information published on the store's website. In some cases, the store policies and conditions may change without being fully reflected in the above information. We urge you to check the store's policies on the store website directly, using the links provided above, or to contact the store directly in case you have any questions.
The inforamtion is presented for reference only. is not held accountable in case store's policies were different than stated above or have changed, or in case the store did not abide with his stated policies. Please always follow up with the store directly.
اعتمادًا على الخوارزميات العلمية وبرامج الشبكة الذكية ، فإن الكاميرا قادرة على تحديد وقت تنبيهك بدقة وإخطارك على هاتفك. بغض النظر عن مكانك ، يمكنك دائمًا التحدث إلى عائلتك باستخدام الكاميرا. يدعم MicroTF المحلي أجهزة تصل إلى 32 جيجابايت ، وأجهزة التخزين المتصلة بالشبكة (NAS). سهلة التركيب مع قاعدة الدوران وتوضع على المنضدة.